This is probably our final posting, as we're off back to the UK now and will not be returning to Cambodia in the near future. We've really enjoyed our time here, working with the teachers and children of Spitler School and contributing what we could over the years. It's become increasingly difficult for Loll to get out to the schools now, however, as her neck problems have made cycling the 40 minute trip impossible - and tuk-tuks over the rough terrain are not much better! Anyway, everything is functioning well and the school will continue to thrive with the support of donors and, increasingly, the government of Cambodia.
Although we won't be able to update the blog from Siem Reap, we hope that we will receive news from Sarin and the teachers so that we can add the occasional update. Sarin, Ann Hoy, Sineth and Ratha also agreed to send us material for the blog when we last met: so make sure you do, guys! It would be good to hear the experiences of new volunteers as well as from the children in the school.
So: don't go away!
The last few weeks of our stay in Siem Reap always seem to creep upon us rather quickly. We try to get jobs done, complete some tasks and set up for the following few months whilst we're away. While Nick and Jim were busy grappling with timetables, Loll was doing a final shop for hygiene and first aid equipment. The aides were well positioned to choose carefully the resources needed from the pharmacy on Road 6 and then a trip followed into Phsar Leu, the big market. It was important to involve the Hygiene Aides in this trip, especially following the Australian nurses training, as Loll wanted them confident for future shopping expeditions as she knew this was going to be her last trip out to Siem Reap. No need to have worried! They knew a good bargain and had lots of ideas of things to buy that would ensure a healthier and cleaner environment for our children. Whilst out shopping it emerged that our Aide in Spitler School was pregnant but had already sorted out a replacement when she is on maternity leave. The initiative of these two wonderful women leaves one gasping sometimes.
Although we won't be able to update the blog from Siem Reap, we hope that we will receive news from Sarin and the teachers so that we can add the occasional update. Sarin, Ann Hoy, Sineth and Ratha also agreed to send us material for the blog when we last met: so make sure you do, guys! It would be good to hear the experiences of new volunteers as well as from the children in the school.
So: don't go away!
Our newest residence! |
Around Taphul Road
So that's how we came to be living on Taphul Road in a laundry! And indeed it was a great place to stay. Despite the increasing proximity to each other in our bijou studio apartment, and the comments about the red light district we were moving into, we had a wonderful time. The family adopted us, chatted, showed us their homework, and sometimes shared their meals. This was a khmer family that really was unusually open, funny, demonstrative and always helpful. A pleasure to have got to know them.
And finally, back to Spitler and Kurata schools. We have always encouraged the English teachers to take a thematic, story-based approached to English teaching, and have made much use of fairy-tales on our activity sessions (and thank goodness for YouTube, we say). Loll's sister, Lesley, very kindly knitted some dolls to accompany some of the books, and here is a little chap on an off-hours Grade 4 English lessons, grappling with the intricacies of a double-headed Cinderella: one happy face and one sad face. The girls also took an interest later!
Around the school life went on as usual: women could be seen in the fields near their houses laying out rice to dry and kids were fishing in still-flooded land.